Psychotherapy Appointments

Psychotherapy Appointments
(Individual and Family)

Appointment Sessions
(55 minutes)

Psychotherapy Appointments cater to both individuals and families seeking weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions in addition to medication management. Drawing from various therapy modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic psychotherapy, and insight-oriented therapy, these approaches empower Dr. Starling’s patients to pursue their life goals.

Individual Therapy: The focal point of individual therapy is enhancing your insight into your thoughts and behavior patterns. Heightened self-awareness equips you to improve your overall functioning and well-being. You’ll gain valuable stress management skills throughout individual therapy, bolster interpersonal relationships, and navigate challenges with greater resilience.

Family Therapy: Family Therapy centers on enhancing relationships and behavioral dynamics within the family. This therapy addresses both the family unit as a whole and individual relationships. Whether Dr. Starling is working with the entire family or specific subgroups or focusing solely on parents, the therapy sessions aim to cultivate healthy familial interactions and equip you with essential conflict-resolution tools.

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Start Your Healing Journey

Whether you’re seeking a psychiatric evaluation, exploring medication options, or engaging in talk therapy, contacting us is a pivotal moment where the healing journey begins.