Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions about our services or policies, and we’re here to provide clear and concise answers. Whether you’re a new patient or a referring provider looking for information or clarification, our FAQ section is designed to assist. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of commonly asked questions to help you navigate through any uncertainties you may have.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobia
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
  • Bipolar Disorder

Dr. Starling will see patients from 8 to 50 years of age.

Absolutely! During her psychiatry residency, Dr. Starling dedicated her initial three years to treating adults before transitioning to specialize in pediatric psychiatry care. Her practice now encompasses individuals aged 8 to 50, and she is boarded-certified in both Adult Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Starling believes her training in child psychiatry enhances her work with adults. Understanding the influence of childhood development and attachment on adult challenges, she approaches her patients holistically, considering their life journey from birth onwards.

First off, congratulations on taking the first step toward improving your or your child's mental health! Dr. Starling looks forward to being part of your journey. We encourage you to explore our website to ensure Dr. Starling's approach aligns with your needs.

We've streamlined the process for requesting and scheduling an appointment. You can easily submit your information by clicking Get Started, and we'll promptly get in touch with you to arrange your appointment.

Alternatively, feel free to call us at 713-543-0063 to inquire about our services.

Once you are a current patient with Dr. Starling, you can conveniently book your follow-up appointments directly through your online portal account.

You'll have a conversation with Dr. Starling about your symptoms, how long you've had them, and how they're affecting your life. You'll discuss any past or present medical conditions, medications, and prior mental health treatment. She will inquire about your previous experiences with mental health issues, including any diagnoses or hospitalizations, and about your family's mental health history to understand any potential genetic factors. Dr. Starling will talk about any significant stressors or life events that may be contributing to your symptoms.

Based on the information gathered, Dr. Starling will provide you with information about your diagnosis, treatment options, and what to expect moving forward. Together, you'll create a plan tailored to your needs, which may include medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, or other interventions.

Dr. Starling likes to see children and adolescents with both parents present during the initial evaluation. She will first meet with everyone together, followed by individual time with the child/adolescent. Her initial evaluation is 90 minutes, which is longer than the standard duration for most psychiatrists. This extended time allows her to build rapport with younger or more reserved patients and gather comprehensive information, particularly in complex cases. Dr. Starling will also record your child's weight, height, blood pressure, and pulse, along with taking a detailed medical history. Finally, Dr. Starling will review her assessment with you, including the current diagnosis, potential alternative diagnoses, and discuss the treatment plan.

  • $450 Comprehensive New Patient Evaluation, 90 minutes
  • $350 Follow-up Session, 55 minutes (Medication management with or without therapy)
  • $175 Follow-up Session, 25 minutes (Medication management with or without therapy)
  • $350 Psychotherapy for individual or family, 55 minutes

Initially, Dr. Starling suggests bi-weekly appointments until your treatment plan is stabilized. After that, regular visits typically range from once every 1 to 3 months. However, you're welcome to move up your appointments as necessary.

Review Our Rates

Dr. Starling is considered an out-of-network provider by all insurance companies and does not contract with or participate in any insurance plans. Dr. Starling will provide you with a statement that you can submit directly to your insurance company for reimbursement. If your insurer offers reimbursement for out-of-network medical costs, you can expect to receive around 50% to 70% reimbursement, although this percentage may vary. It's advisable to contact your insurance carrier to inquire about coverage for out-of-network services. Payment is due at the time of service and can be made by using your credit card on file. Please note that Dr. Starling does not accept insurance payments directly.

Choosing to pay privately for psychiatry services offers several advantages, including flexibility, more detail and time, convenience, and increased privacy.

Flexibility: In our medical system, diagnoses often drive treatment, and insurance coverage typically hinges on meeting specific diagnosis criteria for reimbursement. However, many patients prefer to focus on exploring overall health, developing skills, or processing personal challenges such as educational, work, or family transitions. By opting for private pay, you can prioritize personal goals in your therapy sessions rather than being constrained by insurance requirements.

Detail/Time: Providing quality care requires adequate time. Dr. Starling devotes at least 90 minutes to initial consultations and spends additional hours preparing for these sessions and coordinating care with other providers and family members afterward. This approach starkly contrasts with the brief 30–45-minute initial consultations mandated by many insurance plans.

Convenience: Insurance often limits patients to choosing providers within their approved network. With private pay, you regain autonomy in selecting a service provider who aligns with your needs, and comfort level.

Privacy: Opting for private payment ensures greater confidentiality, as private health information isn't shared with insurance providers unless services are paid for through them. Some patients also choose private pay to avoid having a pre-existing condition documented in their health records.

If you wish to submit your visits as an out-of-network claim to your insurance provider, Dr. Starling can supply the necessary documentation in the form of a "superbill." It's important to note that we cannot guarantee insurance reimbursement, and certain insurance companies may demand additional documentation, contracts, or business details that we are unable to provide. Additionally, the administrative fees associated with handling insurance paperwork and responding to insurance inquiries can sometimes surpass the reimbursement you would receive from your insurance company.

If receiving insurance reimbursement is a primary concern, we recommend considering an in-network practice rather than working with our office.

Please be aware that Dr. Starling does not take Medicare or Medicaid.

After your in-person initial evaluation, Dr. Starling will assess whether follow-up telepsychiatry sessions are appropriate for your care and whether the sessions meet the same standard of care that is required for in-person visits. Dr. Starling's clinical practice includes services by telemedicine using a HIPAA-compliant platform on Zoom or other compliant video service or by telephone line through Spruce.

Virtual appointments with Dr. Starling must comply with Federal and State laws and all other applicable rules laid out by the Texas State Medical Board. Patients are required to have a permanent residence in Texas and be present in Texas at the time of the virtual appointment.

To provide telepsychiatry visits, we must obtain your written informed consent and provide a Notice of Privacy Practices under HIPAA.

We love to see our patients but realize you aren’t always able to make it to our office in person. Dr. Starling offers a modernized approach focused on flexibility for patients, many of whom have busy work schedules, frequently travel, or live outside of the Houston area, making travel to the office inconvenient.

Through telemedicine, you can book an appointment online, meet with Dr. Starling through our HIPAA-compliant virtual platform, and receive your prescriptions seamlessly. An initial in-person evaluation is required before follow-up virtual appointments are available.

Most laptops, tablets, and smartphones will have the equipment you need for your online visit.

Only things needed for your appointment:

  • Good Internet Connection
  • Camera accessible on your phone, tablet, or computer
  • Headphones or speakers on your device (headphones are preferred for privacy)

Life happens; we get it. We are happy to reschedule you when needed.

We never overbook patients and truly value your time. We appreciate that courtesy be reciprocated for Dr. Starling’s time as well.

Please be mindful to cancel or reschedule at least one full business day in advance. Patients who do not give proper notice of cancellation (no-show) or cancel in less than 24 hours (late cancel) prior to a session will be charged the full fee of the appointment. Future appointments will not be scheduled until this fee is paid.

Your safety is very important to us.
If you are having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local emergency department.

Text Contact: The Crisis Text Line provides 24-hour assistance and is confidential. Text HOME to 741-741 to connect with someone immediately.

Call Contact: You can always reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK to reach a live mental health professional 24/7.

There is always help available. We recommend contacting a supportive family member or friend to let them know you are in crisis and ask for their assistance and support.

Dr. Starling prioritizes comprehensive patient care. In many cases, when medication is prescribed, therapy is also recommended for optimal treatment outcomes. Addressing root causes through therapy is particularly important for conditions like anxiety and depression, ensuring a more thorough resolution of symptoms. Although medication alone can often manage ADHD, accompanying symptoms or behavioral concerns sometimes benefit from therapy for a more holistic approach to treatment.

Dr. Starling likens the use of medication without therapy to applying a bandage to a broken bone—it may provide temporary relief on the surface. However, without addressing deeper issues, true healing is incomplete. Thus, combining medication with therapy offers a more effective path to long-term recovery and overall wellness.

These specialties are similar yet have distinct and important differences. Clarifying the distictions between these types of practicitioners promotes informed patient decision-making.

In addition, patients may benefit from a team-based, collaborative approach where they receive therapy from a psychologist, medication management from a psychiatrist, and ongoing support from a nurse

Qualification: Psychiatrists are medical doctors (MDs) specializing in mental health. They have completed medical school and a psychiatric residency.

Training Hours: Psychiatrists, like other medical specialists, complete four years of broad, foundational training in general medicine during medical school. After medical school, Psychiatrists complete residency and sometimes additional fellowship training in psychiatry. Psychiatrists typically undergo around 12,000 to 16,000 hours of training during their four- to six-year psychiatric residency program.

Scope of Practice: Psychiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders using a combination of therapy and medication management. They have full prescribing authority.

Qualification: Psychologists hold doctoral degrees (PhD or PsyD) in psychology. Not all psychologists hold a doctoral degree; some complete a post-graduate degree program.

Training Hours: Psychologists typically complete around 5,000 to 6,000 hours of training, including undergraduate education (four years), graduate school (five to seven years), and supervised clinical experience (one to two years).

Scope of Practice: Psychologists focus on providing therapy and psychological assessments. They do not prescribe medication but may collaborate with psychiatrists or other healthcare providers who do.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP):
Qualification: Nurse practitioners (NPs) specializing in mental health hold advanced nursing degrees (MSN or DNP) and have specialized training in psychiatric and mental health nursing.

Training Hours: Nurse practitioners specializing in mental health typically complete around 500 to 1,000 hours of clinical training as part of their advanced practice nursing program and undergraduate nursing education.

Scope of Practice: Nurse practitioners in mental health are trained to assess, diagnose, and manage mental health conditions, often in collaboration with psychiatrists and other healthcare providers. Depending on state regulations, they may have prescriptive authority for psychiatric medications.

In summary, psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health and have the most extensive training. Psychologists hold doctoral degrees in psychology and focus on therapy and assessments. Nurse practitioners specializing in mental health are advanced practice nurses trained to diagnose and manage mental health conditions, often working in collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

Start Your Healing Journey

Whether you’re seeking a psychiatric evaluation, exploring medication options, or engaging in talk therapy, contacting us is a pivotal moment where the healing journey begins.